About Us

San Carlos Together (SCT) is a non-profit, public benefit corporation designed to support cultural, educational, recreational and neighborhood improvement programs and projects in the City of San Carlos.


Incorporated in 2009, the mission of SCT is to focus on community-building activities as a call to action by the San Carlos City Council in 2005, which approved the “Enhancing the City of Good Living Initiative.”

Focus on Community

SCT contributes to our city of good living by facilitating alliances between the wealth of volunteers and activities that support our community. We streamline the coordination of activities and potential volunteers by creating the right atmosphere for the people and possibilities to come together.

Opportunities for Volunteering

We work on multiple levels. Whether you like to garden, tutor, sew costumes or clear trails, if you can give an hour, a day or a week of your time, SCT would like to match you up with the activities you love to do.

We are also partnering with other non-profit organizations to provide volunteers for preset events. These events will be featured on our website.

Board of Directors

  • Tom Davids, President
  • Susan Kimmel
  • Heidi Skrenta